All About Stella

Hi! My name is Stella!

I was born in Michigan on May 14th, 2000.  I am twelve years old.  My mom's name is Jill and my dad's name is Henry.  I have lived with Mom, Dad and our cat, Gretchen, my whole life, but I really wanted to have a great adventure!
My mom had a brilliant idea!
"What is your least favorite thing about Michigan, Stella?" she asked.
"The cold, cold, weather!" I answered.

"I have a third cousin that lives in the deep south," she said.  "Why don't we call her and see if you could visit for a little while."

Next thing I knew, I was on an airplane all by myself!  I was pretty nervous at first, but I was more excited.

I don't know much about Alabama, but I think it's warmer than Michagan.  Mom said since I will be spending September in Alabama, I won't necessarily need my parka.  She said, though, that Alabama weather is very unpredictable, and I probably need to pack shorts and a jacket.  That's strange to me, but I will take her word for it.

I'm very excited to see what living in the south is like.  Follow me on my journey to the deep south!

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